Press Freedom Blog looks at Finland’s journey in freedom of speech

10 touko, 2017

How did Finland become one of the great countries in press freedom? What did we do right, where have we gone wrong? Is there something journalists in other countries could learn from Finland’s example? How could Finland still improve press freedom?

These are the types of questions presented in a new blog founded by The Finnish Foundation for Media and Development Vikes. The blog will feature long form essays by prominent Finnish journalists and later by Vikes’s own experts and volunteers.

Our guest writers are foreign reporter Rauli Virtanen, professor and investigative journalist Hanna Nikkanen, blogger and editor-in-chief Koko Hubara, former editor-in-chief Janne Virkkunen and tv-journalist and international adventurer Riku Rantala.

We want to reach journalists in other countries and engage them in debates in social media about press freedom and its different faces. We wish that expert views from Finnish journalists are of use and interest to colleagues all over the world.

The blog is part of the centenary celebrations of the independence of Finland.

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