We support independent media in Central America
Brave journalists do their best in dangerous Central America. However, the circumstances are very difficult. Vikes supports media independence and quality and creates links between the media and civil society.
In Central America, governments have become increasingly authoritarian and democratic development has regressed.
This is reflected in the manipulation and fraud of electoral systems, growing corruption, restrictions on freedom of expression and the press, and increasing repression of citizens.
Governments seek to control all news, and their own communications are characterised by propaganda and polarising fake news.
Countries also lack a strong civil society and representative organisations to support independent media. Both are important, because without a strong civil society and independent media, it will not be possible to put countries back on the path to democracy.
This makes the work of independent media and civil society actors more important than ever.
Vikes and local partners aim to secure access to information for citizens by supporting independent, innovative and more financially sustainable media and NGOs.
With Vikes’ support, local partners are carrying out independent journalism and communication in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras. Vikes’ Nicaraguan partners now operate largely from exile.
Vikes also supports the sustainability of partners and provides training and networking for journalists in the region. An important effort in this respect is the annual Central American Journalism Forum ForoCAP.
El Faro (El Salvador)
Onda Local (Nicaragua)
Centro Humboldt (Nicaragua)
Periodistas y Comunicadores Independientes de Nicaragua – PCIN (Nicaragua)
Expected results
- Independent media, journalists’ unions and NGOs have increased their funding and improved their administrative capacity.
- NGOs, journalists and independent media are well networked and their work is strengthened by the exchange of information and experience.
- High quality information provided by independent media and NGOs reaches a wider audience and minorities.
News articles related to the project
Women journalists’ network “La Sala” promotes gender equality in exile in Costa Rica
The role of women in journalism in Nicaragua is not dual. That’s why women managers from ten online media have set up a network to provide peer support and negotiate better pay.
Women journalists’ network “La Sala” promotes gender equality in exile in Costa Rica
The role of women in journalism in Nicaragua is not dual. That’s why women managers from ten online media have set up a network to provide peer support and negotiate better pay.
Journalism Forum Forocap in Guatemala: Journalism is resistance
Central American journalists gathered in Guatemala for training and networking at the end of October. There is a growing need for cooperation and peer support as press freedom is eroding in all countries of the region.